Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Ornaments from the Elves-12.1.10

Every year, the elves drop by our house to leave us all our yearly Hallmark ornaments. They ring the door bell and then disappear before we can answer the door. On our doorstep, we find a package containing our little gifts. It's always fun to see what we get. We have had this tradition since Hayden was born and it will help them grow a nice collection of ornaments by the time that they move out and get their own trees. Clayton and I started out with nothing to put on our first tree so we don't want the boys to start from scratch.

Clayton got the Griswold house. It lights up and plays "Hallelujah", lol. I got a cute cupcake with a poinsettia on top.

Both boys got Minions from Despicable Me this year. They have never gotten duplicate ornaments but this year was an exception.
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  1. Hey you're back! Cool.

    That's a good idea, I need to come up with another tradition to do with our boys.

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Love it. We do something similiar each year for that purpose too. We love to find those personal ornaments that fit them to a T each year. We date ours so we know what they were into that year.
