Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Emerson's 6th Birthday Party-11.7.2010

I know I am seriously behind on updating my blog but the past couple of months have been a whirlwind. I just haven't been able to keep up. Better late than never, huh?

Emerson's birthday was on 11/8 and it landed on a Monday this year so we celebrated the day before. He chose to have his party at Jumpin' and to have a Spongebob theme. His party was very low key with about 10 kids. I didn't do much for it since I knew that they would want to jump almost the entire party time. I was also still on pain meds from my surgery so I was a little spacey. It just made things easier on me to go easy on the party since I didn't need to stress. In hindsight, I wish we would have done something much bigger for him but there's always next year, right? All in all, Emerson had a blast and that is what really matters.

Daniel, Emerson and Elijah

This is a bad picture since E's eyes are closed but I just had to post it. He was super thrilled to get this present from Grandpa and Grandma Logan. I wish I could have caught his expression better because he was ridiculously excited about this gift.

Finn and Hayden
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