Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu Plan Monday (with recipe links)

MONDAY---TNT Garlic Chicken, risotto, peas

TUESDAY---TNT Quick and Easy Chicken, rice, green beans, TNT The Best Chocolate Sheet Cake

WEDNESDAY---Girl's Night Out (hubby will take care of dinner for himself and the kiddos)

THURSDAY---TNT Famous Pork Chops, mashed potatoes, sautéed squash

SATURDAY---Out (Hayden has a skating birthday party to go to that is far away and just before dinner time)

***I will be adding reviews as I make each recipe, so be sure to look back to this post if you want an opinion. If the recipe has TNT before it then it is a proven tried-n-true recipe for us that we have had in the past.***

1 comment:

  1. Going to have to try the best chocolate sheetcake....I'm all about desserts!! :) Good for you for being a surrogate! That's awesome!
