Monday, September 06, 2010

The Boys' Camping Trip-August 7, 2010

Emerson (5) & Hayden (7)

Hubby and his Dad took the kiddos up to the mountains for a fun night of camping in the woods. Sandy and I didn't go so that the boys could spend some time male bonding together. While they were out enjoying the wilderness, we got manicures, pedicures and massages. Needless to say, it was a great time had by all that weekend. I just didn't take any photos of our girly fun.

Clayton forgot to take a camera last time they went so I made sure he had one this time around. He got some good pics but they sat on my camera card forever. Sorry I am just now getting around to posting these!

Grandpa Steve (Clayton's Dad) and Hayden

Hayden was trying to use a stick as a gun to shoot his Dad, lol.
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