Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pizza Night

Shrimp Scampi Pizza (recipe link)

Chicken Dijon Pizza (recipe link-I added tomatoes)

Cinnamon Dessert Pizza

We love pizza in our household and I especially love California Pizza Kitchen. We discovered this wonderful pizza chain back when we lived in Atlanta. Now I don't have a CPK near me but that's okay. I bought their cookbook a few years back and I am able to satisfy my cravings whenever I want to (well, I can always purchase the frozen ones from the grocery store too but I prefer to make my own).

A couple of nights ago, I watched a rerun of Alton Brown's "Good Eats" and he was talking about making good pizza crust. That piqued my interest enough to make 6 pizzas recently. I tried 1 crust on the grill and it was tasty but we preferred the ones from the oven. I precooked each crust before loading with toppings and I made them paper thin (all except the dessert pizza). The top two pizzas I made tonight were from the CPK cookbook and the bottom was my own creation. I used Pioneer Woman's cookbook recipe for the crusts and we loved it. The recipe was simple and had the best texture. I just rolled it out super thin and precooked it. Yum!
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  1. Those look really really yummy. I am going to have to try the shrimp scampi pizza and I know my guys would love the cinnamon pizza

  2. They have a recipe book!?!?!? WOW!!! COOL!!! I'm so glad you posted that! :)

  3. Hi!

    Does your book have a Macaroni and Cheese pizza recipe? Sage loves the one she gets at CiCi's so I've decided to make it at home. I've gotten a few recipes off the internet but it's hard to tell if they'll be good. Your pizzas look great!

  4. I really need to know how you made the Cinnamon Pizza! Please share!

