Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun in the Sun-Grace Community Church (June 26, 2010)

Hayden took this pic and managed to cut off Clayton's head, lol.

Our church hosted a huge free event back in June for the community called "Fun in the Sun". We had around 2500 people come out for the festivities. We doled out Chik-fil-A sandwiches (1000 were nicely donated from the Loveland store), sloppy joes, hot dogs (800 of which were buffalo), chips, cookies and drinks for free to anyone that was hungry. It was awesome! Besides the provided lunch, we also gave out snow cones and cotton candy to everyone that was willing to stand in line for them. Our church band (which is fabulous!) provided entertainment while the kiddos were allowed to play on a lot of different play structures and win prizes at games. It simply amazes me how we pulled off such an event for such a large crowd and we managed to do it all for free! God is good. :)
Look how big this dang slide is! The pic doesn't do it justice. It's kinda hard to tell. Look at the little kid going up the middle of it.

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