Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Golfing in Worland, WY

Clayton (Did ya notice that he is a lefty?)

Me (Now I can see why I sucked that day. Notice the lazy bent arms? lol)

We headed out for Worland this past weekend to visit Clayton's Mom and her husband Jack. It was a long car ride but worth it. We went on Friday and returned last night. The weather stunk on Saturday so we lazed around and didn't do much that day. Sunday was beautiful so we went to the local golf course. I sucked all day long and couldn't hit the ball on many occasions (cut me slack though, it was only my 3rd outing) and Hayden did fabulously. He was knocking the ball all over the place. I wish I would have gotten a pic of him doing it but I will have to wait until next time.

We spent Sunday night sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows and that was so much fun. I wish it hadn't of gotten so cold but it was still awesome.

Emerson getting driving lessons from Grandma Christie
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