Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It was a wonderful weekend and I have been naughty (again!)

Our new outdoor table

My FIL Steve and Clayton

This past weekend was a whirlwind. We had lots of plans but it all changed when we got a phone call late Friday evening. Steve, Clayton's dad, called and wanted to help build our picnic table this weekend. We dropped everything and headed out to Lowe's to get the wood. Our vehicle is a 4-Runner so you should have seen us hauling it back. It was hilarious! It didn't help that we had to take the kiddos too. We were crammed into Suzy (my affectionate name for the 4-Runner is Suzy the SUVy, lol). It was late by the time we got home and then my house was unfortunately a wreck. We scurried to get everything cleaned up and then we had to get up early Saturday morning for Emerson's soccer game.

We got up and met our in-laws at the soccer field. Emerson had a good game [with the exception of the time I had to go all "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" (Rebecca De Mornay) on one his teammates for pouring water on E]. Afterward, we went to pick up a saw from Sears and went to a yummy lunch at Olive Garden. Sandy (Steve's wife) and I went shopping while the boys all headed back home. I was very naughty and took her to the Coach store. You better believe that I came home with yet another new purse. Ay-yi-yi. I couldn't resist. That makes 3 new purses in the past 2 months. Clayton wants to kill his sister for ever getting me interested in expensive purses, lol. I really couldn't have cared less before she introduced me to Coach. Anyhow, Sandy made an awesome cheese ball for us to snack on while I made us steak, sweet potatoes and grilled zucchini for dinner. The guys worked on the table right up until it got dark.

Sunday was spent doing a little more shopping up in Fort Collins. I took Sandy to Five Guys Burgers and Fries for lunch. That place is beyond fabulous. Their burgers and hot dogs are truly the best I have ever eaten. We got home that afternoon and the boys still weren't finished with the table. We sat in the yard and supervised while they continued to work until dinnertime. Clayton ordered us Chinese delivery and we ate while admiring their beautful table. Isn't it pretty? I love the fact that it weighs a ton. Our last table was really heavy but it blew off the porch during a wind storm and we had broken glass all over our yard. That won't happen to us again. This thing won't budge in the high winds and I am so thankful for that.

My newest acquisition