Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter Fun



I am having technical issues getting the photos off my digital Rebel. I need to go get a card reader but haven't gotten around to it just yet (too much playing outside and gardening to worry about it right now). I decided to post a few pics for you guys from our little camera.

Easter weekend was a whirlwind of fun with Clayton's family. It was fabulous!

I started that Friday morning off with a revision surgery on my boobs. It went perfectly. I woke up and felt great. I even went grocery shopping an hour afterward, lol. Just so you know, they look amazing!! He lifted the implants up and made me some crease lines (which I didn't have before). Clayton and I are both astounded at how much better the second surgery results are. The scars are already going away and I didn't have any pain issues later except a little bit of soreness.

Anyhow, my in-laws were at our house when we got back from the surgeon's office. We sat around and chatted the weekend away. It was so nice to catch up with them. I am extremely grateful that I wasn't too groggy from the surgery. Aunt Steph and Tom visited us too. We played a lot of Rock Band and ate a yummy Easter lunch together. Christie and I had bought new purses from the Coach store that Saturday so Steph made us go back when she arrived so that she could buy a new one too, lol.

Grandma Christie jamming on the guitar

Christie, me and Stephanie concentrating on our Rock Band highways, lol

I have alot of better pics of the traditional Easter stuff but they are on the other camera. Hopefully I will be able to transfer them soon.
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1 comment:

  1. Cute bunnies you've got hanging around your house. ;0)

    Glad your surgery went well!!
