Monday, April 26, 2010

I've been naughty...

Check out my newest bag that I bought last Saturday. I know, I know. I just bought one Easter weekend but you gotta understand that I *NEEDED* this bag, lol. The flowers and colors on it are so me. It is so pretty! I went to Coach looking for this exact bag (I saw it online) and they only had 2 left. I purchased my bag and quickly whisked it out of the store (I had a massage appointment in 15 minutes at that point). After 1 1/2 hours of pure bliss, Clayton took us shopping and then out for some good Mexican food. Sunday morning was just as good with hubby serving me breakfast in bed (homemade French toast, fresh fruit and coffee). After that, we had a wonderful service at church. It was a fabulous weekend. Yes, I feel a little bit guilty about being pampered so much but it was soooo worth it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter Fun



I am having technical issues getting the photos off my digital Rebel. I need to go get a card reader but haven't gotten around to it just yet (too much playing outside and gardening to worry about it right now). I decided to post a few pics for you guys from our little camera.

Easter weekend was a whirlwind of fun with Clayton's family. It was fabulous!

I started that Friday morning off with a revision surgery on my boobs. It went perfectly. I woke up and felt great. I even went grocery shopping an hour afterward, lol. Just so you know, they look amazing!! He lifted the implants up and made me some crease lines (which I didn't have before). Clayton and I are both astounded at how much better the second surgery results are. The scars are already going away and I didn't have any pain issues later except a little bit of soreness.

Anyhow, my in-laws were at our house when we got back from the surgeon's office. We sat around and chatted the weekend away. It was so nice to catch up with them. I am extremely grateful that I wasn't too groggy from the surgery. Aunt Steph and Tom visited us too. We played a lot of Rock Band and ate a yummy Easter lunch together. Christie and I had bought new purses from the Coach store that Saturday so Steph made us go back when she arrived so that she could buy a new one too, lol.

Grandma Christie jamming on the guitar

Christie, me and Stephanie concentrating on our Rock Band highways, lol

I have alot of better pics of the traditional Easter stuff but they are on the other camera. Hopefully I will be able to transfer them soon.
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Monday, April 05, 2010

My New Spring Bag

My MIL and I went to check out the Coach store on Saturday and I came home with this pretty bag. Isn't it cute? I love the flower tag and the color scheme. We went back on Sunday with my SIL Stephanie but I resisted buying another bag. I came so close though. I had a pale pink and silver bag in my hands most of the time we were in there. It took alot of will power not to buy it, lol.
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Saturday, April 03, 2010

Surgery Update

I had my revision surgery yesterday morning to correct my breasts. They look fabulous! Because my boobs are so perky, they didn't have much of a crease line underneath them. The surgeon corrected that for me. He offered to upsize me for free too but we decided against it. I am already a full D and if I went bigger, I most likely wouldn't be able to buy my bras from Victoria's Secret (they only go up to DD, I think). Anyhoo, I just thought that I would post that I am doing well. I am a bit sore but it doesn't really bother me. I will post a shot of them in a week or so after they have healed enough to wear a bikini top. ;)

BTW, I didn't post much this week because I had to go buy a new laptop. My other one blew up last weekend. It was 6 years old though so I knew it wouldn't last much longer.