Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy 10th Anniversary to My One & Only

Let me just say that the anniversary band was a complete surprise. I have always said that I would like one for our 10th but I honestly didn't expect it.

Today is our anniversary but we celebrated over the weekend. Clayton first surprised me on Saturday by having Aunt Steph take the kiddos. Then he took me to a nice hotel in downtown Denver where we got upgraded to a suite. There was wine and cheese waiting for us in the room. I couldn't believe it! He then gave me my ring. We went to Randolph's for a fabulous dinner and then took a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride down 16th St. It was a beautiful night and not too cold. We had such a good time.

Not to be Debbie Downer but we had a horrible night that night. We fell asleep just after midnight and woke up to fits of crying/screaming in the hallway. There was a totally drunk girl in the hall that would not go to her room (which happened to be next to us). The cops were called because hotel management couldn't do anything. I was ticked and so we got moved to the presidential suite just so we could get some sleep. It was insane. We were wide awake after that so we didn't get much sleep that night. Oh well, at least it made for a funny tale, lol.
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  1. Wow, what a great anniversary gift! Happy 10th Anniversary! Sounds like you've got a great guy!

    Sorry the night was interrupted by a nit-whit.

  2. YA! Congrats to 10 great years. *cheers*

  3. Nice!!! Happy Anniversary. I hope my hubby will think of something just as creative for our 10th!

  4. Gorgeous ring! Zow! And omg...I would have gone and kicked that drunk girl's b-u-t-t (with my new diamonds on my fist haha). But that's just me. :P Oh how I miss downtown Denver. *sniff*

    Happy anniversary! :) My hubby and I are working on our 8th year and I've already been setting him up for diamonds on our 10th. Heehee
