Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lots of Stuff to Talk About

Wow, the past couple of weeks have been stressful, to say the least. Last week was really hard because we were waiting on Clayton's company to announce who they were laying off. Considering that there are only 2 process engineers on hubby's machine (a great guy that has been around for 30 years and Clayton), we were really concerned. The good news is that they didn't lay off my husband. The bad news is that they let the other guy go. It was a total shocker considering that he was the brain of the whole operation. If anyone needed assistance, he knew how to fix their problems. It is going to be rough around there without him. I am afraid that Clayton will be expected to take on all of the same issues/problems. He is a great engineer but you can't beat 30 years experience. I just hope that he can handle all his responsibilities without feeling too much pressure. Anyhoo, the other engineer was getting ready to retire in a couple of years so this was okay with him. He was shocked initially but he is fine with it all.
My Mom has been spending alot of time in the hospital lately. She had surgery a couple of weeks ago to remove 3 feet of her colon. Her recovery in the hospital took a week and then she went home. Last Wednesday, she had some major complications and ended up going back to the hospital. The doctor said that she had a blockage and that it would take some time to dissolve. She was released to go home this morning. She is sore but at least she is doing better.

We boo'd our neighbors tonight. We had 2 bags of goodies so we chose to deliver them to the Vetters and the Leals. I love this fun tradition and I can't wait to see how many people down the street participate. If you have no clue what I am talking about:
1)You make 2 bags of Halloween treats.
2)After dark, you deliver them to 2 different homes in your 'hood by ringing the door bell and running.
3)The neighbor opens the door to see the treat bag outside with no one around.
4)The neighbor then does the same thing for 2 other neighbors and the cycle continues.
5)Once you have been boo'd you put a sign on your door so no one else will boo you. You want to make sure that as many neighbors as possible get a turn. It's so much fun!

Hayden lost his first tooth today. I can't believe how long it has taken to get to this momentous day. He got his teeth really early as a baby and so the doctor believed he would lose them early. Well, he was wrong. Everyone in H's class has lost at least 1 tooth by now. He is so excited to now be a snaggle-tooth. I will post a pic as soon as I can get around to it.

Anyone hear of a company called Scentsy? Let me tell you, it rocks!! I got a burner from my Mother-in-law for my birthday. I absolutely love it. It works with a light bulb rather than a candle so I don't have to light anything. The smells that Scentsy offers are remarkable. I have honey pear cider going right now. It is delicious! Anyhoo, my friend Johnna is now a consultant and I have agreed to let her demo these things at my house. We are having a party on 10/30 at 7:30pm if any of you are interested. I will be serving cocktails and appetizers/desserts. It will be a guaranteed fun night. Bring a friend. The more, the merrier! If you need directions, just email me from the side bar and I will send them to you. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love Hallmark...it's been a huge part of our family too! My grandmother retired from Hallmark last year and had worked for them for 25 years!
