Sunday, September 27, 2009

Key West-9/6/09

Natascha, Emerson, Jasmine and Jason enjoying a Key lime slushie

Well, Key West proved to be a big waste of our time. We got off the boat for just an hour or so before we hopped back on. It is one giant tourist trap with little to see or do. If the kiddos were older we could have done some fun excursions. Oh well, not a biggie. We loved being on the boat best of all anyway. :)

The kiddies-Key West

Emerson and Hayden sitting in a porthole

The kids each got their first pair of Crocs. To mark the occasion, they had to get some Jibbits too. Emerson got the Magic Kingdom castle and Pluto (which he lost before the end of the trip). Hayden got the castle and a Halloween Mickey pumpkin.
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