Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Swim Suits for the Girls, lol

One thing that totally excites me lately is bathing suit shopping. I am so excited to finally be able to look feminine in one. My new girls (aka-the boobies) will make such a difference. Check out this awesome suit I snagged from Victoria's Secret on sale:And yes, in case you are wondering, I do expect my boobies to be that spectacular, lol.

I also snagged an awesome bikini from Athleta (they are owned by Gap) on clearance. They have bathing suits specifically made for gals with big boobs. I love the styles and patterns that they offer. If you are in the market for a new suit, be sure to check them out. Just go to gap.com and you will see a tab for Athleta.

Tomorrow is my breast augmentation consultation and pre-op appt. Both appointments got rolled into one since my surgery is already scheduled for next week. I am really excited but nervous also. I hope the surgery goes well and that I am not dying in pain afterwards. Someone mentioned to me that a pain pump isn't a bad idea but I am not so sure if that is really necessary. It is an option offered by my surgeon so I will be sure to ask him about it tomorrow. Anyone out there have advice?


  1. No advice...sorry! I hope everything goes well and you're thrilled with the results! :) Good for you for doing something all for you!

  2. I would take it if it was offered. Everybody is different with pain but I remember mine being so bad it (plus the pain pills) made me throw up - so then they had to give me anti-nausea meds. It's a totally different pain than giving birth! The end result is worth it though.

  3. I would say YES to the pain pump. And its not fun but its well worth it later:)

  4. oh how exciting! Make sure to post pics of the before and after boobage! I think once i am done being a surro (a few years lol) I am gonna get my whole body redone! I am gonna be the bionic woman when they are done...

    For now I just need a good bra to put the girls back in their homeland since they have travelled to a foreign country since I had kids :)

  5. I'm glad all you need is new boobies to make the bikini look good. I'd need a few spots of lipo to go with the boobies. LOL
