Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Blizzard of 2009

I knew that they were calling for snow today but this is wayyyy worse than I expected. I hate it when it snows here because life continues on regardless of how much snow we get. Well, not today. School was actually called out for the first time since we have lived here. Yay! I have now learned that it really does take a blizzard for my boys to be kept out of school, lol. Wouldn't you know that we tied the record high of 79 degrees just this past Sunday? Sheesh...

The pics are a bit dark but I chose to leave them that way. It is really gray outside and I felt that photoshopping them to make them lighter took away from the way it really looks out there.

I want to thank everyone who has sent me well wishes over the past few weeks. It has been crazy around here. I am finally on the mend and my family is doing well also. Thanks for keeping us all in your thoughts and prayers. Speaking of which, please keep my cousin Renae's family in your prayers as they just found out that her husband lost his job. The company he worked for just up and left without any warning. I hope that Ryan can find another job soon and that everything will work out for the better.
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