Tuesday, November 11, 2008

E's 4th Birthday~~Free Starbucks Drink Giveaway~~Surro Baby News

Saturday was Emerson's 4th birthday but we celebrated it on Sunday. I was away for the weekend at a scrapbooking retreat in Estes so that complicated things. My Sister-in-law and her man were able to join us on Sunday so it worked out great in the end. Clayton took the boys on Saturday to spend all of E's birthday money that he got from our extended families. Hayden had $10 burning a hole in his pocket too so they had a fun day buying new toys.

On Sunday, we let E open his gifts and then we all headed to a bowling alley in Greeley. It was alot of fun but man we suck, lol. Emerson chose to go out to dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery afterward. We go there quite a bit and the kiddos like the food. We took his Kung Fu Panda cake with us so that we could have it for dessert. I believe that Emerson had a wonderful birthday this year.

Tom, Steph and Hayden

I went to the big ultrasound yesterday and I now know the gender of the baby. First let me say that everything looked perfect and the baby is doing very well. The weight is estimated to be around 14 oz. Now on to the stinker, I cannot reveal what I know, lol. Once my IPs know and tell their families, I can then blurt it out. Some of their family members read here and I don't want them to find out that way. In the meantime, I want to have a little fun with this. If you comment here and can guess the correct gender, I will put your name in for a drawing to win a free Starbucks drink (it will be in the form of a $5 gift card). Good luck and hopefully it won't be too long before I can share my knowledge. ;)

I got an email from someone the other day telling me who the wehatecrunchies people are and that group is all in fun. I am so relieved to know it isn't some group dissing me, lol. I now know that a friend of mine is in that group and she was sharing a link to my blog to show how I organized my kitchen. K, if you are reading this, I cannot email you back. My home email doesn't work any more. I can read received messages (I *think* that I receive them all) but replies never go out for some reason. This has been going on since August (I only became aware of it recently-ugh!) so I am sure you are missing some emails from me. Sorry about that! I will try to email you later from a gmail account.
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  1. Hey Brandy, glad everything is going well. I'm guessing you're having another BOY!

  2. I am going to guess that it is a girl --- :)

  3. I'm also joining the group that thinks that it's a GIRL

  4. girlgirlgirl and yeah, i was wondering about your email!! do i still have our phone number right too?? happy bday big e!! we miss you guys!!

  5. I am gonna guess that it is a girl..
