Thursday, November 06, 2008

20 week belly bump and another reason for it, lol

Here I am at 20 weeks along with my second surrogate pregnancy. Sorry for the lack of a head but I had to take the photo using a bathroom mirror and that can be so difficult. It is a little bit blurry but oh well. At least I posted! My appetite has definitely picked up since my last belly photo at the pumpkin patch hence the reason I have grown so much. I like to blame it on the baby but it really has everything to do with foods like this:

I have been on a kick lately where I try a new recipe at least a few times a week. I made this yummy pumpkin turtle pie last night and it was a huge hit. I found it in the latest Kraft Foods magazine. It has pumpkin, Cool Whip, cinnamon, nutmeg, caramel and pecans. How can you go wrong with all those yummy ingredients?? It was super simple and no baking was required. It's a cold pie. I don't have time right now to post the recipe but I will try to do that next week. ;)

I have to pack up for a scrapbooking retreat in Estes and I will be gone all weekend. Emerson's 4th birthday is on Saturday so I feel a little bit guilty missing his day but I will be back on Sunday to celebrate it. We plan to take him bowling and I got him a cute Kung Fu Panda cake to eat that night. Hopefully Aunt Steph will be able to join us too.
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  1. Pie looks yummy. Too bad for me there is no cool whip in the UK or else I would be all over that.

  2. Oh my goodness, that pie sure does look delectable! You are so tiny and cute. I love the short cut on you. I'm 9 weeks behind you and my tummy is already out there.
