Monday, August 25, 2008

I am now the Mommy of a kindergartner

Hayden couldn't wait to start school today. We walked to school (it is only a block away) with our awesome neighbors, the Leals. It seemed rather weird to actually take Hayden to real school. He has been in pre-K programs since he was 2 but today felt totally different. My first-born is really growing up!

Here's Hayden waiting in line to go in to his classroom. I have no idea who the kid is in front of him but it was obvious that they were going to be cohorts, lol.

See the cutie on the far left (first in her line-curly hair and blue shirt)? Her name is Gracie and she lives just across the street from us. I so wish that she was in Hayden's class but at least they get lunch/recess together.


  1. i can't wait to see your scrap work on this! i know it will be great..i still have to do Christian's first day of K... :)

  2. oh my gosh talk about too cute! You make me miss my boy being that age. My son now a junior in high school oh how I miss kindergarten!
