Saturday, August 02, 2008

Happy Birthday to Meeeee

Today I entered my 30's and I feel pretty good about it. We had dinner at the Melting Pot and the girl in the both behind us was celebrating her birthday also. She was turning 18. I told hubby that I wouldn't trade places with her in a million years. I like where I am now in life. For starters, that gal has no clue what real life is like just yet. She hasn't even moved out of her parent's home I bet. I would also be willing to bet that she hasn't found the love of her life. Most 18 year old's haven't. There is the issue of where she wants to go in life and what she expects to do in the future. Does she have any clue? I sure didn't at her age. Then there is the money issue. At 18 I simply had none, lol. That part sucked but I learned to deal with it as a college kid. I do envy her that she is about to embark on the coolest adventure of her life and that is college (I heard them mention it). College was fabulous and I would never trade my experiences at NC State because that is where I met my soulmate and made some lifelong friends. It was an awesome time in my life. I must say though that I prefer my day-long activites of making grilled cheese for the kids and enjoying homelife as opposed to hustling to classes everyday. Oh yea, studying sucked too and I don't miss that a bit.
Anyhoo, what I am trying to say here is that 30 is good and life seems to only be getting better at this point. Clayton and I are just as in love as we were in college and now we have 2 sweet boys to raise. I love the fact that we actually have spare money to buy things that we really want and a trip to McDonald's doesn't break the bank like it did when we were in school, lol.
The flowers and balloon shown above were sent from my parents and the Coldstone Creamery peanut butter cup cake below was from Clayton. C also got me some yummy candies, a cute card and some spending money to go shopping for myself. Whoo hoo!!
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  1. Happy, happy birthday to you, Brandy!!! Yay for your 30th year! You are going to have a good one, I know!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Happy Birthday! I remember freaking out when I turned 29 as it was the last bday of the 20s. I totally loved turning 30 though and my 30s have been the best years of my life! I had fun during each decade but in my 30s I've settled down, started a family and just feel more complete. Before that I was a bit all over the place and while it was all part of what made me who I am today, I'm glad that part of my life is over!

    Marja in London

  3. Happy B-day Brandy! I turned 30 the day after I got married :) I'm actually writing a blog about how I'm looking forward to my 30's. A wise man once said life begins at 30, and I sincerely beleive it! I was such a dumb-ass in my 20's . . . . anyways, look for the blog-- I'll be done with it soon!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday gal!!!
    Glad you had a good one..and glad you went over the deep end before me...haha, just joking :)

  5. We are both August babies. Turning 30 was the hardest Birthday for me and it seems you are very excited to be turning 30. Happy Be-Lated Birthday and congratulations on your pregnancy. You are giving the most wonderful Wishing you well during this pregnancy.
