Sunday, July 13, 2008

More tests for your viewing pleasure...

Let me just say that I think that the First Response brand sucks. You can barely see the line on it (the top test). It has gotten a bit darker since I took the picture but still. Ugh. I recommend the EPT regular and digital tests. I got my positives a day earlier on the EPTs.

Whoo hooooooo!!!!
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  1. Yay for your IPs!!! Hope you have a/some sticky beans in there! I used the FRER tests for both my pregnancies and they showed up the best! But I also didn't test until 15dpo mainly as I forgot, lol.


  2. I don't like First response either... I have always had the best luck with the Equate tests from Walmart!! :)


  3. Oh, yay for you and your IPs!!!! I totally knew you'd be sitting at home with a big box of pregnancy tests! ; )

  4. congratulations! I'll be saying a prayer hoping that your pregnany goes very smoothly!

  5. Oh, congrats to you and your new IP's!! Hope everything goes well for you again!!! ;)

  6. Yea!!! Congrats- so happy for your IPs. I agree I always used and liked the EPTS

  7. Congrats girlie! And to your IP's as well! They must be so excited! How long before you go to the doc to get a peek?

  8. brandy! WOW! you take fast! ;)
    congrats to you AND your IPs!!! how awesome!
