Saturday, July 19, 2008

Check these out...

Clayton and I have grown sick of our old washer. It has been getting oil spots on all of our clothes lately so we decided to replace it and our dryer that we have had for 10 years. After reading up on LG products, C knew that they were our best option. We headed out to Home Depot last night and bought this pretty pair. Don't ya just love that color? It is called Bahama Blue. Love it!!! They will get here on Thursday and we will finally be able to have clean clothes once again. Yay for not having to wash the same load of clothes more than once, lol.


  1. Love the washer and dryer. We were just talking about getting a new set but arent sure what brand. I love the color. I want a red set if they have them.

  2. OOOhhhhhhhh these are so pretty! I might have to leave my washer and dryer with this house and get new ones after our next move, LOL! LOVE this color!

  3. they are great...i just got some very simular to those, and they are great. I just love the front loading washer and dryer...
