Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Beautiful Colorado-Part 1 (from last weekend)

Poor E. This was how he looked last Friday morning. He woke up with a tummy ache and a fever. I originally needed Clayton to meet me around lunchtime at the spa so I could have a mini treatment but this caused me to cancel. While I was leaving CJ a voicemail not to meet me there, E puked on my bed and I started freaking out. I am sure that was one funny message to listen to, lol. Anyhoo, he took some medicine and felt better that afternoon. Thank the Lord he didn't remain sick through the next day because that was when we went on a family picnic in the Rocky Mountain National Forest.

Here are my boys enjoying a cool area that we found for our picnic (yes I am aware that they just wore these outifts not too long ago, lol).

Mom and Me (you can barely see my new 'do but it floops up on the bottom)

Check the awesome scenery! Isn't it gorgeous?
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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful scenery! I can't believe how big E looks - he's lost that baby face! So glad your mom got to spend some time with you!
