Sunday, June 01, 2008

Emerson's New Ride + Lots of Updates

Clayton bought Emerson his first bike yesterday. As soon as he got good at pedaling his Big Wheel, C knew it was time. We went to several stores looking for just the right one. At first Emerson wanted this really cheap Huffy so we had to sway him so that he would choose a better, sturdier one. He finally settled on this cool one that is the same as his brother's (just different colors). Doesn't he look cute? I can't believe that my baby boy is getting so big!

Look how serious he is here, lol.

It was time to get Hayden a new helmet so we let him pick one out He chose a cool Hot Wheels one that has a dragon on the side.

Since I haven't been blogging much lately, I will go ahead and update you all on what has been going on in the Logan household:

Clayton's Vehicle
We got it appraised last week and they declared it a total loss. Yay! Why is that good you ask? Well, they gave us more than we owe on it. We have been dying to get rid of his car anyway so this was an easy out. It had started having lots of problems before the tornado even hit it (engine wouldn't start on occasion, it needed new brakes, the air conditioner had issues-just to name a few, lol).

The Surrogacy
We just finished up and signed the contracts last week. Contracts is always the worst part so I am so happy to be done! I will begin injectibles on June 8th for our early July embryo transfer in San Francisco. I can't believe that we are getting so close to baby time. Whoo hoo!!

A New 'Do For Me
I have an appt. for Aveda on June 14th to get my locks chopped off. Hubby prefers short hair so I am going to do the deed. I have been losing alot of hair lately anyway due to hormone level drops from the last pregnancy. It has been insane. I can actually pull clumps out right now and it is really beginning to bother me. At least it won't be so bad when it is short. Any suggestions? I am thinking of going really short this time.

Clayton and I are about done with our huge paint job. It has taken us about 9 months to complete it (hey, we could have created a baby in that time, lol) but it really is a large job. Our entry way and living room are over 22 feet high so that has been a major pain in the rear. Since our house is so open, this job encompassed the entry, the living room, the play area, the upstairs hallway, the downstairs hallway and the stair area. It has been insane and I will be so glad to finish it up possibly next weekend! Then we can move on to the master suite, my scrap room, the laundry room, the kitchen, the formal dining room, the boy's room, the boy's bathroom, the guest room, the downstairs bathroom, etc. Egad, did I really just say all that??? Sheesh...

The kids and I went to our local BAB recently and they created their own animals. E chose a bunny and H chose a cat. They turned out so cute! Both boys chose swim trunks and surf shirts for them. If I get a chance, I will post pics of them later.

Dan In Real Life
Clayton and I watched this movie a few weeks ago and it was really good. If you don't think that Steve Carell can pull off such a serious character, you should definitely check it out. He did a fabulous job.

I Am Legend
This is yet another good movie from Will Smith. I hated the ending but I can see why it was necessary. I didn't really care for the weird nocturnal bad guys in it but it really does make you wonder what would happen if something started to wipe humans out of existence. It's very thought-provoking.
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  1. oh wow Brandy, I can't imagine the short hair! :) I'm sure you'll look adorable and just think how easy it will be to take care of! Can't wait to see pics. Your boys look adorable on their bikes. Growing up so much!

  2. i wanna see the paint job! u should do a short, straight cut with choppy bangs, like heidi klum's. it would be so cute!


  3. i guess my pic didn't post, darn it! it was cute :(
