Friday, April 11, 2008

Master Bath

Ahhh, this is my favorite spot in the whole house. I plan to eventually cover the window with rice paper so that people can't see in but I still get alot of sunlight.

This is Clayton's shower. The black thing on the glass is a mirror so that he can shave his face in the mornings.

This is the right side of bathroom when you walk in. There is a toilet just behind the wall on left. It is enclosed in a closet. That seems to be pretty standard here in CO. When we were looking at houses, our realtor was appalled to see a home where the toilet was in full view. It's kinda funny how that was the norm in all the houses we looked at in NC.

What in the world should I put on the shelf above the sinks?? Also, what color should I paint the walls?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brandy!

    I am just in love with your new house and you have decorated it so beautifully! I am especially in love with your master bedroom and bath. They look like something out of a magazine. We are moving at the end of May and I hope to steal some of your organizational ideas for our new kitchen and closets.

    Good luck in Cali.

    Crystal (Misty Valley neighbor)
