Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Lost Highway

Hey, hey, I finally found my way
Say goodbye to yesterday
Hit the gas there ain’t no brakes on this lost highway
Yeah I’m busting loose, I’m letting go
Out on this open road
It’s independence day on this lost highway...

Clayton and I went to see Bon Jovi last night and it was a total blast! We had no interest in Daughtry (the opening act) so we showed up late after walking around downtown Denver. It was wayyyy too cold to be without winter jackets so we froze our behinds off, lol. At least the Pepsi Center was warm when we got there. We had wonderful seats. Jon and Richie actually came out and sang 3 songs right in front of us. They were so close to us that we couldn't believe it! Unfortunately, I couldn't get a pic of them. All I had was my stupid camera phone and the spotlights made it impossible to get a good pic. Oh well, that's okay. At least we got to see them up close for once. :)

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I can't believe you skipped Daughtry! I loved his story on AI and his devotion to his wife. Plus, he does have a few good songs....
    He's no Bon Jovi...so cool they were that close to you :)
