Monday, April 21, 2008

A Day at the Denver Zoo

The boys enjoyed checking out the huge elephants

The boys' cool ride (they were checking out the hippos)

This bear totally cracked me up! He just lazed around and made himself completely comfortable.

Aunt Stephanie came down from Cheyenne and joined us for our Sunday trip to the Denver Zoo. The weather was absolutely perfect. The sun was bright but the temperature wasn't too hot. We ended up buying season passes so that we can return again soon.

The boys had to go 10 straight nights without getting into trouble. They always like to cause a ruckus once they are in bed so we have been bribing them to make bedtime much easier. The zoo was their reward for 10 nights in a row. Luckily, they didn't mess up once. We also tried this tactic a month ago and they had to be good for 7 straight nights to get a milkshake. It took weeks for them to get that prize because we had to start over at 1 so many times, lol. Hmmmm, now what should be the next prize? I am thinking Elitch Gardens but we'll have to wait and see.
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  1. Brandyman! I'm so glad y'all had fun at the zoo. You should also check out the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo down in the Springs. You can feed the giraffes there. :)

    Sorry I've been out of touch. I just had my thesis defense yesterday so I'm done with school now! And I promise to catch up on emails, etc.

    Will texted me the other week ... I was shocked.

    I hope your trip went well and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news for you!

    Love to all, J-fer

  2. Brandyman! I'm so glad y'all had fun at the zoo. You should also check out the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo down in the Springs. You can feed the giraffes there. :)

    Sorry I've been out of touch. I just had my thesis defense yesterday so I'm done with school now! And I promise to catch up on emails, etc.

    Will texted me the other week ... I was shocked.

    I hope your trip went well and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news for you!

    Love to all, J-fer
