Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The wheels are beginning to turn

Whoo hoo, the new surrogacy journey is officially beginning! I passed the initial screening and now I am scheduled for my medical screening on 4/15. I get to fly to San Francisco for the first time. How cool is that? I am not planning on sight-seeing this trip but me and my family will get to when we go for the transfer (hopefully in July!). I can't believe how quickly everything is moving. I can't wait!!


  1. Oh my gosh you must really really love being pregnant to want to go through it all again! Totally amazing thing you are doing for other couples. I hate being pregnant though I love the end result. I'm counting the weeks now until my next baby arrives but as I'm only 1/4 of the way there I've got a while to go yet ::grin::


  2. Wow can't believe you are doing it so soon but so cool of you! What a blessing you are to a family that can't do what you so willing gift them! ;)

  3. Wow, Brandy! you are one special lady and a definite blessing to your family as well as those you touch!

  4. I can't believe it's going so fast! Congrats and have a great time in Cali!

  5. I can't believe it's going so fast! Congrats and have a great time in Cali!
