Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday's Bento Lunches

These were the kids' boxes. They both had pretty much the same things with the exception of the pepperoni and the mozzarella clovers (H doesn't like cheese and E doesn't care for pepperoni). They had: dog/bear onigiri (rice ball), pepperoni or mozzarella, cucumber slices, carrots, heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, strawberry fruit snacks and grapes.

I had: bunny onigiri, pepperoni, moon-shaped mozzarella, carrots, bananas, grapes, bunny-shaped boiled egg, strawberry fruit snacks and peanut butter sandwich hearts.
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1 comment:

  1. seriously, you're killing me with envy! The bento boxes lunches are too cute. I'm looking on e-bay right now but can't find the cute ones you're showing. we "need" them! :)
