Thursday, December 13, 2007

Who needs icicle lights when you can have the real deal? Also included-a Christmas tag post.

Here's a few monster ones on my neighbor's roof.

This is the big window in our foyer. You can see Clayton's icicle lights strung from the gutters and then the real icicles over top of the lights. Cool, huh?

We have gotten a lot of snow since last Friday (~7 inches is still in my backyard) and we are getting more tonight. I thought that having snow would be wonderful until I realized that life continues to go on here regardless of the snowfall. It really stinks. When I see snow, I think of snow days back in NC where the whole town shuts down and you can sit around with a cup of hot cocoa by the fire. Having even 2 inches meant that school was out and everything was closed. Man I am really going to miss that. I abhor going out in the snow to take Hayden to school. It doesn't really help that my 4-Runner is only 2 wheel drive. We have never needed 4 wheel drive or snow tires until now. Geez....

Cousin Renae tagged me for a fun quiz so here are my answers:

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I like to do both. The mix looks good under the tree.

2. Real trees or artificial? We have an artificial tree. I am allergic to real ones.

3. When do you put up your Christmas tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take your tree down? I like to take it down the day after Christmas. Sometimes we let it slide until New Year's though.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes. Our milk man brings us the most delicious nog ever straight from the dairy. Yummy!!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? I remember getting my first real telephone from my Aunt Judy and I thought that was soooo cool. I was finally able to lock myself in my room and talk to my friends all day long without even having to get out of bed, lol. I think that I was 11 years old.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? No.

8. Hardest person to buy for? Emerson-he doesn't really seem to like anything unless Hayden tells him what he likes, lol.

9. Easiest person to buy for? Clayton-he loves getting gifts and it is usually pretty easy for me to get him something good.

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever got? A luggage bag. My parents bought me one when I was in middle school and I was less than impressed, lol.

11. Christmas cards or e-mail Christmas Cards? I mail them every year.

12. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story-you'll shoot your eye out!

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? August

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I can think of.

15. Favorite things to eat at Christmas? Cranberry Bliss Bars from Starbucks, Hickory Farms cheeseballs and smoked sausage, Aunt Judy's peanut butter balls, Christmas cookies, Christmas candy, etc.

16. Clear light or colored light? We have colored on our tree for the kiddos. If it were up to me they would be white. Clayton fought me tooth and nail on that one and I let him win. He says that because the icicle lights are white that the tree needs to be in color so that it stands out in our front window. I can see his point.

17. Angel on top or Star? We have a cute red star on top.

Now who am I going to tag??

1. Krista 2. Joanna 3. Rhea


  1. Now you know what I meant about life going on amidst the snow fall and drifts! It's not half as much fun as it was in NC when life stopped with even the threat of snow! :) Just remember - preschool is optional!

  2. oh wow! I love the icicles! So pretty! We have ice all over the sidewalk and streets, but nothing pretty. HAHA!

    This is a fun tag!

  3. We have nothing pretty--just blah weather. I want to drive up north a bit so we can see some snow! But you're right, I wouldn't want to have to actually do anything in it. NC is great about that...snowflakes, and everyone hibernates. Ahhhh...
