Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Surro-babe Is FInally Here!!

Baby boy was born just after midnight today. I had a fabulous experience but I will have to wait and update when I get my laptop (I forgot it at home). Stay tuned!

BTW-He was a surprising 9lb. 2oz. What a big guy!!


  1. Congratulations to you and the new family! Take care of yourself Brandy. You gave a wonderful gift!

  2. Congrats to all involved and lots of wishes for good health and good luck in the future!!


  3. Oh, so exciting!! Hope you are doing well!

  4. Congratulations, I bet this was the bestest Christmas gift your IPs have ever had! Glad it all went well, what an incredible journey.

    Good luck to the new family and hope you feel alright too :) 9lb. 2oz... WOW!


  5. oh my goodness brandy!! congrats!! i bet the parents are over the moon!!!!
    take care of yourself and i can't wait to see pics.
