Monday, December 31, 2007

A Few Pics to Share :)

This is the sweet little man that I was lucky to carry. Isn't he a beautiful baby? :)

It took me a while to get settled into my room but my nurses ROCKED!!

Can you believe this view of Long's Peak? This was taken from my recovery room window.

This was also taken from my recovery room. The building closest to the center of the pic is where my OB's office is. I must say that it is extremely convenient for it to be so close to the hospital.
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  1. He is adorable! The parents must have been just overjoyed in every way!

  2. He is gorgeous. They sure must be adorable people! What a cute baby they make.....what a wonderful gift you gave. So cool!

  3. He is precious! Congrats to you and the IP's!!

  4. The picture of you sticking out your tongue is a crack up! I will say it again, you are an amazing woman with a huge giving heart. There's a special place in heaven for women like yourself, of this I am sure.
