Saturday, December 15, 2007

Feeling blah...

No, those aren't stretch marks (they're veins). Ewww, huh?
Well today makes 37 weeks and 3 days preggo for me. Not much further to go! The past few weeks have went really well but today was particularly bad. I felt nauseated and out of breath pretty much all day. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't also our 8th wedding anniversary. We were going to take the kiddos to a sitter and then go out for dinner but that didn't happen. I just didn't feel good enough to go. I hope that this means labor/delivery is just around the corner (my intended parents are waiting in Denver for me to call anytime now). I had a massage last night at Aveda and she hit all the right pressure points to help me along. Maybe that is why I have felt cruddy today? Maybe she really did give me a little jump-start? I have no idea but I do have another massage scheduled for next Sunday and I really hope to not make that appointment. We shall see.

***Sorry the pics look a little wonky. My camera battery was almost dead (which made them blurry) and so I played around with editing software to change the colors and to make the second one soft. They aren't great but hey, at least I posted them. ;)***


  1. Brandy,
    sorry you're not feeling well...but I sure hope for your sake it's the beginnings of LABOR!! It's time for that baby to make his appearance! :) please keep us posted. Take care-
    You're in my thoughts and prayers gal!

  2. Awww! i wish I could be there to see you and the little one when he makes his arrival! Whohoo for massages! happy anniversary!

  3. Hey!! Hope you can get some relief sone! I am excited for the IP's!

  4. Have you had that baby yet??? We're thinking of you!
