Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Ninja Turtles

Emerson in ninja action
Hayden tried to avoid the camera but we threatened that he couldn't go trick-or-treating without letting me take a few shots, lol.
Hayden's loot
Emerson was thrilled to make it back home as he was super tired and cold when he returned. He was one happy boy when he finally got to sort all his loot.
This year Clayton decided to make the boys' costumes. He even made their shells (even though you can't see them in the pics). He is so clever. Hayden was Raphael and Emerson was Michaelangelo. They did turn out better than the costume at Target but he did go through a lot of work to make them. I would rather spend the $20 each than to take all the time he had to create them, lol.

1 comment:

  1. what cutie pies!! I love them! and I LOVE that Clayton made them himself, and girl, $20 wouldn't have bought half that this year. Costumes were $40 even at Target!!
    So adorable. I miss you guys! This time last year we were TOT'ing together!
