Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas....(at our house anyway, lol)

I have everyone's gifts already bought and wrapped for Christmas (well, I still have to wrap 2 gifts for my parents but I unfortunately don't have the right size boxes for them yet). The stocking stuffers have already been bought and so have the Santa gifts (they all go out unwrapped Christmas morning). Not pictured are the teacher gifts and neighbor gifts (I still have to wait for Target to get in their awesome Christmas bags in the dollar spot).

Remember the recipe boxes that I made for my family last year? Well, here are this year's set of recipe cards to add to them. I plan to send 10-12 cards each year. They are tried-n-true recipes from my own collection. I printed them all out onto 4x6 notecards for easy filing. There is also a letter to each recipient that may include-why we love a certain recipe, changes that you can do them, how I got them, etc.

***My Gift to You***
If you know that you aren't getting this envelope from me and you would like a Word version of this year's 10 recipes, leave me a comment here on the blog and I will forward them on. I will also send you the 5 recipes from last year. They are already conveniently formatted to be printed onto 4x6 notecards. Be sure to leave me an email address so that I know where to send them. ;)


  1. I want the recipes!! And, I want you to come to my house and wrap all of my gifts, LOL. *wink* ahagist@gmail.com

  2. Count me in for recipes! :) I agree with Angie---maybe you should offer a service to come get other people ready for Christmas!

  3. I'd love them!

    Although you've given me quite a complex already being done wrapping! LOL


  4. mememe! you should have my address already written on one of your christmas cards.

    and btw, you're a nutcase. I thought *I* got into the christmas spirit early (I always have mine done by thanksgiving)
    now all that's left to do is enjoy the seasons! go you!!

  5. oh oh me me
    i would love your recipes :D :D

  6. Wow. You are so prepared. I have not even started thinking about it. Oh well.

    I would love the recipes. I am always looking for something for my kids to try.


    Thanks so much!
    Sara Neeves-Botelho

  7. I am way impressed Brandy! I would love the recipes too what a great idea!! ;)
