Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Me at 29 weeks with the surrobabe
We finally made our way to the local pumpkin patch yesterday. Clayton has lots of ideas for carving so he made sure to get several. He plans on carving the Transformers logo and a TMNT scene. He is also considering doing a Fat Tire logo (that's a local beer for those of you on the East coast and have never heard of it) and an NC State Wolf. Last year he did a Spiderman face and an awesome Bon Jovi CD cover. I wish I had pics of those. This year I will make sure to take some!
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  1. My hubby loves FAT TIRE

    also I am going to TAG U On my BLOG

  2. didn't he do a state thing last year too? his punkins are the best. Last year I bought some of those perma ones from michaels and carved them...I HATE doing real ones. But I would like to go to a pumpkin patch!

    you look great! the boys too. (hug)
