Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Roll out the green carpet

This is our backyard as of today. We have 2 berms (raised areas/hills), a sprinkler system, sod, rocks, 3 boulders (moss stone), a drip system and our fence posts. Yay!! The fence should be done tomorrow and that will be it until the Spring. We are going to have 3 aspens planted around the right corner berm and some tall grasses will be added there as well. There will be several pretty purple sage plants against the back fence. The other berm on the left of the bottom photo will have several plants added into the long part of it but we are sure what just yet. Clayton wants some juniper bushes that may just be the right location. The strange squared off area in the left corner of the top photo is pea gravel. It will be where the playground or the fire pit sits. We will figure that out later I guess. Either way, it will have timbers around the pea gravel to keep it from combining with the rocks.

Hopefully it won't be long until the sod intermixes. Rights now it looks like sod bricks because you can see each individual piece, lol.

**The pic is a bit wonky because I had to take it through a screened window.**
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  1. yay for green lawns! it looks great b! just right for playin and partyin. :)

  2. Looks great Brandy and congrats on the 20 weeks! I was just talking about you with a friend the other day when they brought up the topic of surrogacy and they were so amazed that I knew someone doing that! Hope you are liking CO!

  3. Brandy, your yard looks beautiful!! Can't wait until I get to visit and see it for myself.
