Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter Program

Emerson and a few of his classmates

More kids from E's class sitting in the "buggy"

Hayden is such a cheesehead, lol

H singing and doing hand gestures

The kiddos had their Easter program this past Tuesday morning. They did very well. Hayden knew the songs and did the hand gestures that went with them. My pictures S-U-C-K but that isn't entirely my fault. The lighting in there was atrocious and it didn't help that I was so far away from the stage. Emerson sat in a high chair the whole time and was a good boy.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Brandy,
    I have been visiting your blogs several of times now as I love your scrapbooking style! :0)

    ...and today I've been visiting you again. So I thoght I just wanted to say I have been here.

    Take care,
    Charlotte in Denmark.
