Thursday, December 14, 2006

Train rides, cookie swaps, updates, and a partridge in a pear tree

Sorry about the blog hiatus. Life has been moving at such a rapid speed lately that I find myself struggling to keep up. Christmas is always so much fun, but it is definitely wearing me out this year. Here's what all has been going on over the past several days:


Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen purchased Polar Express tickets for us last week and we got to ride the train today. We departed from the train depot in Bryson City (about 1 1/2 hours west of Asheville). It was a little chilly, but the day was beautiful and the ride was peaceful. We were served hot chocolate and rice krispie treats. The kiddos loved it! We picked Santa up at the North Pole and he rode back to the train depot with us. He handed out bells for all the kids that "believe" and we sang carols all the way back. If you want to check out the website for the depot in Bryson City or Dillsboro (they are really close together), visit: The Great Smoky Mountain Railroad.

Emerson waiting in the depot before we could board the train
Clayton and Hayden being silly
Emerson and me
Hayden looking out for Santa
Santa wasn't supposed to really interact with the kids since he had to greet soooo many, but he did stop and ask to pick up Emerson. I couldn't believe that E didn't freak out. And yes, those are pajamas. Kids were told that they could wear their pjs on the train since that is what the kids in the movie wore. Hayden simply refused, lol.
Happy birthday to my Mom! I hope you enjoy the Paula Deen magazine subscription that I sent ya!!
This day was totally insane for us. We had so many things to do in such a small amount of time. We got up early in the morning to go to a Fun Depot Christmas party for the kids (hosted by my hubby's work). It wasn't so bad when we first got there, but then it all of a sudden got a little chaotic. There were so many birthday parties, other Christmas parties and boy scouts there. Luckily for us, we got to have some fun before the crowds started piling in. We took the boys back home afterwards because my Mom had just gotten into town to baby-sit for us.
Clayton and I met a prospective couple for surrogacy at lunchtime and hit it off. I won't go into details, but I will say that they were nice and we will be working together. :)
Dinner was spent with Clayton's co-workers at Copper Crest at Lake Osceola. It was alot of fun! I enjoyed meeting everyone including his boss (and his wife). They were so nice. I am glad that Clayton has such a great group of people to work with. He is very blessed. After we ate, we played a gift exchange game and I ended up bringing home my own gift. I almost didn't take it to dinner with us because I wanted to keep it for myself, lol. It was a trio of yummy hot chocolates from Starbucks. We also got a really cute set of mugs with more hot chocolate. Mmmmmmm...
My friend Kala threw the most wonderful cookie exchange party. The food was spectacular and everyone brought lots of delicious cookies/treats. There was 16 of us gals and no kiddos. It was an absolute blast! I made a bar cookie that had a sugar cookie bottom and then was topped with pretzels, white chocolate chips, cashews, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. They tasted alot like a Take 5 candy bar. I went home that night with 16 different 1/2 dozens of cookies and I am sure that I have added a few pounds to the ole waistline as a result, lol. I can't wait to do it again next year. :)


  1. Fun! I am actually going to a cookie exchange tomorrow!! :)


  2. Fun! I am actually going to a cookie exchange tomorrow!! :)

