Sunday, December 24, 2006

Getting excited!!

Today is going to be a whirlwind of activities. I must go to the grocery store to pick up a few things. We are going to be making lots of treats today including mint truffles, sugar cookies, overnight blueberry french toast casserole, Chex mix, etc. Yum!

An elf will be delivering new Christmas jammies on our front porch this evening. That is always so much fun. The doorbell rings and Hayden answers the door to find a bag on the porch. The kids get a note telling them that Santa is on the way so they better get ready for bed. The elf is never seen. ;)

Also, we will be going on our Christmas Eve drive to see all the lights. We listen to Christmas music, pick up some hot cocoa from Starbucks and then drive around looking at all the decorations. I can't wait!

***Clayton wants me to mention that the pjs that Emerson was wearing in the Polar Express photos were not from Joanna. He wants full credit for picking them out, lol. It's funny, he made fun of me for buying expensive clothes from Gymboree, yet he could not pass up those alien jammies hanging in their window. :P