Friday, April 21, 2006

Look at what happens when you leave a baby to eat by himself, lol

Yes, that is catsup all over my little man. This is what happens when Hayden isn't around to tattle on everything Emerson does. I guess that he thinks that it is hair gel or maybe he just needed to find a way to get Daddy to give him a bath tonight :D Posted by Picasa


  1. That is way to funny. What a cute pic.

  2. oh how cute! E loves his ketchup. Yes, KETCHUP. I'm with Clayton on this one. it ain't catsup. LOL

    he's rotten!

  3. he made sure not to miss a spot huh?! :)

  4. Brandy Logan! Where are you? don't you know your public is awaiting an update??

    LOL :) have a good week!
