Monday, April 17, 2006

Another layout and some great news

Here's another quick layout I did using the Winnie's Walls collection. The pics are of my favorite Aunt (Judy) and Hayden in her backyard. She has the prettiest flower garden and goldfish pond. They were out there feeding the fish and had no clue that I was behind them snapping away, lol.

Yee haw ya'll, I just made the design team for an awesome kit club at C&H Scrapbooks. It is a fairly new club that is run by a really sweet gal named Laura. Her kits come loaded with oodles of goodies and she will ship other items from her store along with your kit for free. Check it out :)


  1. very nice layouts! I love Aunt Judy's back yard too! Christian loved it!

  2. i tagged you...check my site and then do the same.
