Monday, March 06, 2006

Horrible news...

I just got the results from the beta test and it isn't good. The clinic was confused about the positive test that I got on Saturday. They concluded that I must have had some sort of implantation, but the eggies didn't make it. What a crappy day this is :(


  1. I am sorry...the same thing happened with my first GS attempt. I had what they classified as a chemical pregnancy. Three positive pregnancy tests and a neg beta. It is also the reason I would never again allow myself to get pee-stick-itis. It was way too much of a blow to my IP's. If you ever want to takl, you know where to find me!

  2. Oh no! How frustrating! I'm so sorry to hear it, Brandy.

  3. oh no! I'm sorry honey. I'm sorry for the parents as well.

  4. I'm so sorry Brandy. It is disappointing, but I hope you all keep trying. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and not stressing. Easier said than done, I realize. You are doing such a beautiful thing. Good luck!

  5. Brandy, I am so sorry! I have faith that everything will work out when it is supposed to. Keep smiling!!

    Love, J-fer
