Tuesday, March 28, 2006

By Special Request

"Take a picture of me Mommy!" is what I heard after taking the photo of Emerson on the floor. Hayden just had to have his photo taken today, so I obliged. I know that there will come a time that he will run from me when the camera comes out, so I may as well take advantage of his willingness while I can ;) Posted by Picasa

My baby is sooooo sick...

Oh man, Emerson is super sick right now. I think I know where he caught it. We were at the mall playground the other day and I saw a kid with snot dripping down past his chin. It made me sick just looking at him and I cannot believe that a parent thought that it would be okay to spread his germs every freaking where. Ugh!!! It all started this morning. I went to get him out of bed and he had been swimming in puke all morning. I had no idea. The poor thing was so gross, I didn't know what to do first. His crib was covered. Now I wish that I hadn't of bought Pottery Barn bedding. The stuff is too nice to get dirty, lol. He wouldn't eat and he was definitely running a fever. I kept medicine in him all day long. He puked twice more, once around lunch and once after Daddy was home (and he was the receiving end of that one, lol). This is totally nasty to mention, but he also pooped and it came straight over the top of his diaper. Unfortunately, it looked like pea soup and about gagged me when I cleaned it up. The poor thing went to bed early. I felt so bad for him. I wish I could take it all away. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sweet and Simple...

That has been my motto over the past week. I have been trying to get Hayden's first year album done so that I can work on getting our family albums caught up. Now, I am aware that the layouts I have cranked out over the past week aren't publish-worthy, but do you really think that my son will ever notice? Nahhhhh. Anyway, the layout above is the latest one that I have done. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

Walk Emerson, WALK!!!

I am amazed at how content Emerson is to 'walk' on his knees. He hasn't shown much interest in getting up on his feet until recently. He can go into a standing position from the middle of the floor now, which is good, but he rarely ever tries to walk afterward. We were at Kala's house yesterday and he stood up on the back deck. I cheered him on and then he suddenly took about 20 sure-footed steps. I about died! You mean to tell me he has been able to do this all along?! What a stinker. Anyway, that was the first time that I have witnessed him really walk. It is about dang time. He is 16 months old, for Heaven's sake! I will try to get him to do it again today and get some photos of him in action ;)

Monday, March 20, 2006

A special shout out to Heather...

Congrats on becoming a Hall of Famer gal!!! I am so happy for ya :)

I wish CK would hurry up and post it already!

The Creating Keepsakes 2006 Hall of Fame winners are going to be listed sometime today. I am so sick of refreshing their contest page! No, I did not enter, but I am cheering on a few of my friends. I just know that these gals made it- Alexis Hardy, Heather Preckel, and Tracey Odachowski. The winners were called last week and have had to keep their lips sealed until the official announcement. That has got to be sooooo brutal! Here's my list of picks for this year:

-Alexis Hardy
**-Heather Preckel
-Tracey Odachowski
**-Kelly Lautenbach
**-Vicki Boutin
**-Angelia Wigginton
-Sarah Klemish
**-Jessica Sprague
**-Angi Stevens
**-Shannon Freeman
**-Greta Hammond
-Susan Cyrus
-Mindy Bush
-Heather Burch
-Jen Johner
-Wendy Inman
-Debbie Van Marter
-Stephanie Klauck

Good luck ladies!!!

***Edited to add: The ladies with 2 stars won! You go girlies!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's about dang time!!!

I just got a copy of the Michael's wedding book that I worked on last year. I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to come out! Anyway, I am glad to see all of my projects finally in print. It should be in stores soon, so check it out. If you are a friend or relative of me, you may just find your name in there. I know I used Renae and Ryan, Laura and Steve, Leslie, Virgie, Christie and Jack, Stephanie and Tom, Joanna and Mark, Ashley, Natalie, etc. I really did mean to use everyone's names, but a lot of them got cut out because they cut one of my projects in half. I had everyone in my family on cards for 2 boards that was for seating at a reception. Well, they nixed one of the boards and just pulled enough cards to make one board for the photo. Most of the names that are missing are from my Dad's family :( Also, just so you know, some of you guys have wrong last names when I used you on an invitation (Laura and Steve-you were one of them). I did that on purpose when I first began designing because I was afraid of giving out too much info. After a few projects, I realized that it really didn't matter because the locations and other info. were wrong. Anyway, I didn't want anyone to feel left out if your name didn't get in there, but it was their decision to do that.

Sorry I have been missing in action from my blog over the past 7 days. After all the bad happenings from last week, I decided to take some time for myself. I feel better and ready to move on. Hopefully, my intended parents will decide to try another transfer in the near future. I really want to do this for them. I will keep you all posted as soon as I know anything.

Hayden is at Mom's house this week. He is having a grand ole time, last I heard. I will probably go down there on Wed. or Thursday to stay a night or two. We'll see.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Horrible news...

I just got the results from the beta test and it isn't good. The clinic was confused about the positive test that I got on Saturday. They concluded that I must have had some sort of implantation, but the eggies didn't make it. What a crappy day this is :(

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Say a prayer for the intended parents

I got this on Saturday night and we get our beta done on Monday. Please keep this pregnancy in your thoughts and prayers because I really want everything to be okay. My intended parents are going to be over the moon when they see this. They are on vacation right now, so they haven't seen it yet. I did get a faint positive on a different test a few days ago and they know about that one. I called them immediately, lol. Unfortunately, I didn't get another positive until Saturday and that is why I didn't announce it here. I never took another test that was the same brand as the one that came up positive, so it may have been faulty. It wasn't one of those early tests either. Anyway, I had been going nutso trying to get another positive test. 30+ tests later, I finally get a straight answer. Let it be known, this was also the last test that I had, lol. Posted by Picasa