Saturday, January 28, 2006

Yet Another LO from the February TSS kit


I took this shot of my Mother-in-law and Emerson last Spring while she was visiting us. It didn't hit me as funny until I got it back from Shutterfly. I didn't even notice the man breasts that Emerson was sporting when I shot it, lol. You just gotta love a chunky baby ;) Posted by Picasa


  1. Emerson is such a doll. you just wanna hold him all day.
    cute layout!

  2. and how did you do the "cleavage" letters? they're great!

  3. Such awesome layouts Brandy! And thanks so much for getting my stuff up for me...just ran out of time! ;) It all looks great too! And the girls at the site are SO fun...what a great bunch of gals to work with! ;)
