Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Best grocery trip (so far)

Oh my gosh, I paid $46 for $146 worth of groceries today!!! Can you believe that? Clayton and I were both stunned when we had to pay. That is just insane. Whoo hooooooooo :)

Hurry it up..

and take the dang picture already! Can't you see I have gifts to open?! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Yet Another LO from the February TSS kit


I took this shot of my Mother-in-law and Emerson last Spring while she was visiting us. It didn't hit me as funny until I got it back from Shutterfly. I didn't even notice the man breasts that Emerson was sporting when I shot it, lol. You just gotta love a chunky baby ;) Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 27, 2006

Today's Layout


Here's the LO that I just finished tonight. It's really simple, but I just love how it turned out. The photos are great of the kiddos and the papers are so cool. This is another LO made using the February kit from The Scrapbook Stand. Thanks for looking :) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ahhhh, coming home to a clean house

I just love a clean house. Merry Maids did a superb job today. I went out this morning so that I wouldn't be here to disturb them when they showed up. I got back home around 2pm and it looked/smelled so good in here! Needless to say, I am going to invite them over more often, lol. We are signed up for a cleaning every 2 weeks. I sure hope that it doesn't get too bad in between their visits :P

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Scrapbooking with the gals and other stuff

Tonight is a scrapbooking night for the Mom's Club. We are meeting at my house. It should be a lot of fun. At the last one, I didn't scrap a single page. I just vegged out and chatted the night away. This time, I have several projects to complete.

You gals should all want to be neighbors with the infamous scrapbooker, Joanna Bolick. Let me tell you, she lets me borrow eggs when I am out, watches my house when we are away, gives me cool scrapbooking supplies AND delivers homemade chocolate chip cookies to me. Now that is a phenomenal neighbor! She brought me (ok, and the rest of my family, lol) some fresh baked cookies last night and they were so yummy. She makes them taste so buttery good. Thanks so much gal :)

OMG, last week was my best grocery trip thus far. I spent $61 for $142 worth of groceries. That's a savings of $81 with 60% off of the total price!!! I am amazed at how much I used to spend on groceries every week. I also got to send out my Walgreens rebate info. for the month of January. I earned over $63 back. I can't wait to get it. In addition to all of this, I sent out 3 rebates that were worth $10 each (Pepsi/Nabisco, Kimberly-Clark, and Olympic paint). Whoo hoo!

Tomorrow is going to rock. My Merry Maid service is starting in the morning. She will be here every other week to clean all of our grime and filth around here. I am so excited. Feel free to drop by and admire my clean home ;)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006



This pic was taken yesterday before Hayden went to Grandma's house. He was chillin' in his bean bag while watching Diego. He is going to stay with my Mom until Sunday, which is his birthday. When he gets home, he will see the house all decorated for his special day. I just know that he is going to love it! Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006

In the words of Eminem

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up....LOL. I made this layout tonight using the February kit from The Scrapbook Stand. Emerson was 4.5 months old there. Doesn't he look tough? LOL

For those wondering, my surrogacy journey is currently in a holding pattern. We had a complication happen that was beyond our control (the meds didn't work on my Intended Mother) and our embryo transfer is now slightly delayed. We will most likely transfer around the middle of February now. Wish my intended parents luck. I have high hopes that they will get their miracle baby by the end of the year. What a great Christmas present that would be for them!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Special Delivery, lol

In case you are wondering what the heck is on his foot, that is one of my socks. I use it to keep E's toes warm. It also helps keep them from getting carpet burn when he crawls ;)

I also want to announce that my neighbor Joanna is the absolute bomb. She sent me a HUGE package of scrapbooking supplies tonight. The funny thing is that I love it all and didn't have any of it in my current stash. Thanks so much girlie!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A cable rant and my poor little guy

OMG, it has been forever since I last posted. First off, I got lazy and didn't post for a few days and then my stupid Internet went out last Friday. After a couple phone calls (with the last one threatening to cancel service and switch to the Dish Network), I finally got service today around 5pm. That is insane! It has been 5 freaking days. They claimed that our cable was out over the weekend because of the horrible wind storms that we had, but our cables are underground for heavens sake. We didn't even lose power. Anyway, I called today and asked them when we would ever have our tv back. Don't they know that Lost is on tonight?! I told them that we better get it back by tonight or I will cancel. LOL, they were at my door within the hour. The nice guy that fixed it said that the outage had nothing to do with the wind storm. Instead, it was likely messed up because of the guys that just put our sidewalks in. They tilled the ground on both sides of it to put grass seed down and they probably chopped our cable wire. I am angry that the cable company just gave me the wind storm excuse now because this could have been fixed wayyyy earlier. UGH! Anyway, I am now finally back online and the ole blog will be routinely updated once again :)

Okay, I bet you are wondering about the above photo (sorry about the immediate rant about Mediacom that followed it). I was carrying Emerson down the stairs on Monday and we both fell about 3 steps from the bottom. My feet slipped completely out from under me and I landed on my back. Emerson slipped from my hands shortly after I hit and then he rolled down. I caught him as he was upside down and just about to hit the floor. He cried and moaned for several hours afterward. I thought that he may have pulled a muscle and was scared. We noticed that he wouldn't put weight on his right leg that night. That leg was behind my back as I fell because he was sitting on my left hip. My guess is that I crunched it on the step when I fell. Clayton told me to take him to the ER the next day and get it checked out. I took him to the pediatrician that morning and then we got a referral for a bone and joint doctor. The ped wasn't sure, but he suspected that his leg was broken. Sure enough, the x-ray showed that it was. We chose a blue cast for him and he will get it removed on 2/7. That's only 3 weeks. He is tolerating it really well and he is able to crawl all over the place without a problem. His little toesies hang out and get dragged right across the hardwoods, so I put one of my socks on over it. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Jason!

We would like to wish you a happy birthday today. We hope that you have a great day!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"I have 4 weeks til my birthday"

That has been a common line from Hayden over the past few days. He is so excited about his upcoming 3rd birthday party. I asked him what theme he wanted to go with and he said Thomas. Unfortunately, I did Thomas for him last year. Oh well, he insists on it again and that is what he is going to get. Clayton said that I may as well plan on doing Thomas parties for him until he is 20, lol. All the decorations and party supplies have been bought except the pinata. I bought his gift 2 months ago, so I am well prepared. He is getting a Video Now thingie with several movies. It's a portable handheld video player. I think that it will serve him well when we are in long lines, sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office, etc. Anyway, I wrote out the guest list last night and came up with 31 guests. That doesn't even include family. Most of my family won't be there because they live 3 hours away and it will be a church day for them. Clayton's family will not be there because they live clear across the US in Wyoming and Nebraska. My house is unprepared for this party because it is so dirty right now. It's a good thing that I have hired a Merry Maid this month. Hopefully, my house will sparkle for his big day :)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

We are so pathetic. We didn't even see the ball drop on TV because we were already asleep. Ahhh, the life of a parent.

Unfortunately, as many others in the world did on the 1st, I payed my respects to the porcelain God. I began taking an antibiotic for the surrogacy that morning and my tummy just couldn't handle it. The bottle says nothing about taking it with food, but it should! Clayton has to take them too and he did the same thing this morning. He forgot that he hadn't eaten breakfast yet when he took it. I had never seen him eat a Pop-Tart so fast, hee hee.

Yesterday, I began my Lupron injections also. It was hard giving myself a shot in the stomach, but it really wasn't all that bad. I was so proud of myself afterward.

I did my grocery trip on Sunday and did reallllllly well. I saved $80 and spent $80 at Harris Teeter. That means I saved 50%!!! You gotta love that. I also did really good at Walgreens. Normally, I don't spend that much there, but they have some great sales and rebate promotions going on right now. I spent $68, but $32 of it will be returned to me next month through their rebate deal. I will also get an additional 10% on that because I will get the money back in the form of a gift card rather than a check. Hopefully, my rebate from December will come in soon. It is only going to be $17.60, but it's better than nothing.