Sunday, July 17, 2005

Room with a new view

Today I finally painted my scrapbook room. I choose a limey green that is kinda like the Gin-X Desperately Seeking Summer papers. It looks really good IMO. I have some wooden letter to paint and hang up today. Hopefully, I can get my room cleaned up tomorrow so that I can take a photo of it. I will post as soon as I can.


  1. Hey Brandy!!

    I can't imagine how you do it all ... taking care of two little ones, painting a room, and scrapbooking! I haven't found time yet to make my own scrapbook that I've been planning for years ... the pictures are still in a box. That's pathetic!

    Hope all is well. Miss you!!

    J-fer :)

  2. Ooo, it sounds great! I'll check back for pictures.
