Monday, July 25, 2005

I've Been Bad

I know, I know. I am a slacker. Life has been crazy this past week, so my blog has been on the back burner. I will attempt to catch you all up.

Thursday-Me and the boys rode to Charlotte so that we could visit with my family and Hayden could go back home to High Point with Grandma Allred. We played in the pool and had a lot of fun while we were there. I do have some cute pics and I will post them tomorrow. That night, we took Emerson to the new Target that had just opened up. It was so exciting because Target rocks and the Starbucks that was inside was the icing on the cake! How cool is that? I can sip my white chocolate mint mochas while shopping at Tar-zhay :)

Friday-Merry Maids wasn't able to come out to my house today, so I hired my friend Tracy to clean it up for Joanna's baby shower on Saturday. She did a fantastic job! My house had never smelled so good and clean. Kala met me for Starbucks and Target (did I tell you how much I LOVE that place!) later that night.

Saturday-Heather, Judith, and Beth came over to my house for Joanna's surprise shower. I went over to Jo's house (just across the street) to talk to Mark and find out where she was. She was at the scrapbook store, ugh! There was no telling how long she would be there. You know how it is in those stores, you look around, you shop, you chat, and you take forever before you head out the door. Well, luck was on our side because she actually got home in perfect timing. She was shocked when she got out and saw us all at my house. Needless to say, we had a great time and baby Harper got some cool gifts. Congrats girlie! I will definitely be thinking of you when you go in for your induction this Friday. If you need anything at all, a babysitter, a house sitter, a cook, an errand runner, you just let me know :)

Sunday-Since we didn't have Hayden to drive us crazy, we went to our favorite restaurant in Asheville, Bonefish Grille. Yes, I know it is a chain, but everything there is so stinking good! The fish and martinis are unbelievable. I highly recommend the Bang Bang shrimp appetizer and the grouper. Emerson was excellent. He enjoyed eating with us and he was so easy to entertain.

Monday-Mom and Judy brought Hayden back to us around noon. He didn't want to be at home. He wanted to go back with them. That kinda sucks, but it is a good thing too. I like knowing that he enjoys being with them. It sure takes the guilt out of leaving him with Grandma for a weekend.

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