Monday, May 23, 2005

Are we crazy or what?!

The Mom's Club had their breakfast bunch at 9:45 this morning. There was 5 moms and 8 kiddos (4 toddlers and 4 babies)! What were we thinking?! Actually, the kids were pretty good. I am amazed that there wasn't complete and total chaos.

Afterwards, I took Austin with us to drop off some work at Lark Books. We then stopped at my favorite place in the whole wide world, Starbucks, for a white peppermint mocha and molasses cookies. The boys were so good! We stopped by Kala's for some outdoor playtime and to wait for Tracy to pick up Austin.

Tracy and I took our kids to Burger King for bok-bok fries coke (as Hayden would say chicken, fries, and Coke). There was a crane working outside and they couldn't get enough of it. Because the boys were so wrapped up in the crane, we got to have a very smooth lunchdate.

Tracy, being the brave woman that she is, decided to take Hayden with her so that the boys could meet a baby bunny at her parent's house. She brought it back with her to our house so that we could all see him. He was so little and cute!

Hubby and I watched Meet The Fockers after the kiddos went to bed. That movie is so hilarious!

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