Saturday, April 30, 2011

Road Trip

We are making the long trek from Colorado to North Carolina today.  It's going to take 3 days according to the way we have the trip mapped out.  I hate riding in the car for very long so this is going to be sheer torture.  Why are we driving when we could be flying?  That is a good question.  Clayton's company pays for everything including plane tickets for all of us but yet here we are driving.  Blah.  CJ wanted an easy way to bring his golf clubs and Xbox 360 so now he gets his wish.  Heck, I should have flown with the kids while he drove.  That would have been a better plan.

We haven't sold the house in Colorado so we can't buy our next one yet.  We are moving into a company owned apartment in a nice area of Charlotte.  It is fully furnished and we don't have to worry about anything.  It will be nice but I can't imagine living in an apartment again.  I can't stand noise from neighbors (crying babies, loud music, barking dogs, etc.) so this may lead me to intruding on my family in High Point, lol.  While staying in this area of Charlotte, we are going to be really close to Carowinds (huge amusement park with lots of roller coasters and a water park) so I plan to buy us season passes so that me and the boys can play all summer.

Wish us luck.  I will try to update whenever I can.  

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Sunday

We headed out to Sidney, Nebraska to spend Easter with Steve, Sandy, Virgie and Bea. On our way, we picked up Stephanie in Cheyenne, Wyoming. We brought along an egg dying kit to decorate 2 dozen eggs. We ate way too much while there. Sandy made all kinds of goodies and we overindulged. I wish I could have more ham and brisket now. Just thinking about it makes me drool, lol. Have I ever mentioned how much I love holiday feasts?

Aunt Steph helping the boys
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's All Relative

My Cousin Sheila and Aunt Judy came to visit last week. We had a blast catching up. They helped me keep my house spotless for showings while they were here. The pics I took were at JB's in Greeley. I knew Judy would get a kick out of it. It's an old restaurant that looks like you stepped back into the 70's. Dark brown paneling with carpet on the walls, orange pleather seats, telephone ordering and car hops outside make it an interesting place, to say the least, lol.

Sorry these pics aren't the best.  I took them with my iPhone.

Clayton ordering us up some grub
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Friday, April 15, 2011

A Walking Tour of Our Home (for posterity's sake)

 For the most part, we have really enjoyed our house here in Colorado. Oh, did I forget to mention that we are moving back to NC? Sorry, I haven't updated my blog in so long but yes, we are moving! The house goes up on the market tomorrow. I hope it sells quickly but I know the reality of today's market. Couple that with the fact that the builder is still building in my neighborhood and it makes it even harder to sell. Oh well, I am going to pretend that I don't know that and maybe a miracle will happen. Our previous two homes sold in under a month and I would give anything for that to happen again. So anyway, the realtor's photographer came out yesterday to take our MLS photos so my house was purged of almost all personal belongings. It looks empty and spacious. I decided to take my own photos so that I would have them for memories. There are a lot of pics so scroll through the many posts below if you want to see them. If you are in the market for a house in the Johnstown area, I can send you more info. Our house is a Cabernet model in the Pioneer Ridge community.

BTW, we have a full unfinished basement but I couldn't bring myself to take photos.  It is loaded with all the things that the realtor told me to get rid of for showings (which seemed like everything!).
The kitchen
The hallway to the front door
The hallway from the kitchen to the laundry, 1/2 bath and craft room/office

Laundry Room/Craft Room

 Laundry room (door leads out to the garage)
Notice the kegerator next to the washer? Clayton loves pouring beer for himself everyday, lol.
 Utility sink in laundry room
 Craft room/Office

Living Room/Formal Dining Room

 The living room (play area/loft above)

 Formal dining room

Foyer/Master Bedroom

Front door (formal dining room is to the left)
 Stairs to second level
 Master Bedroom is right at the top of the stair w/ double doors

Master Bathroom

Master Bath entryway

BTW, sorry for the bad photography. I had to use the little camera because my big camera was dead.

Guest Bedroom/Boys' Bedroom

The catwalk leading out from the master bedroom


Guest bedroom
The boys' room

Boys' Bath/Loft

 The boys' bathroom (excuse the weird reflection on the wall)
 Loft/play area
The white spot on the carpet must have been something on my lens.
The view from the loft


 Backyard (I sure do wish that the grass was green.)
 Walking path to side gate (That tree is a maple and there are strawberry plants underneath it)

When my landscaping is green, this area is so pretty. I have 3 purple sage bushes along the fence that grow to almost the top of it. The grasses near the rocks grow even taller and are so nice. The trees are aspens.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Wow, our lives are about to change---BIG time!!

I have been wanting to move back home to NC for a while now.  Hubby was reluctant at first because he knew it would be hard to find a job.  After just one month of searching,  he has an offer waiting for him from a company in Concord, NC.  We get the details next week after the upper management approves his offer package.  How exciting!!  Also, hubby will be going back out to Concord this week for a face-to-face interview with a different company.  He may end up with 2 job offers to pick from.  I am giddy with excitement as I am ready to be back home where I belong.

The bad thing about all this is the timing.  The housing market sucks and we are going to take a hit on our house, that's for sure.  As long as we end up with a good relocation package though, we should be fine.  We shall see.  I will keep you all updated. :)