Thursday, May 31, 2007

June TSR Layouts

Stupid me forgot to take photos to my Aunt's house this past weekend so I had to borrow some of hers to scrap. Renae, I thought that you would appreciate the top one. ;)

My Uncle David (Renae's Dad) with Christian and Joshua (Renae's little guys)

Me when I was 2 years old

My cousin Natalie when she was 14 (she's 20 now)

My cousin Jeff when he graduated high school back in 1985
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I can finally spill it...

I know I have been kinda cryptic around here and couldn't talk alot about what all is going on. Now that Clayton has put in his 2 week notice at Kimberly Clark as of last Friday, I can finally say it-WE ARE MOVING!!! He took a new job with Kodak in Windsor, Colorado. The house that I posted earlier is indeed ours. We will be living in a small town outside of Windsor called Johnstown. Fort Collins is really close and has tons of cool places to eat and shop. We are so excited! Our move date still isn't set in stone but it will be in the next couple of weeks. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Can you guess who this new house belongs to???

And yes, I am aware that the columns need to be painted, lol.

On a sidenote-I have decided to take a trip home today and I will be back next Wednesday. I hope that you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Last Day of Preschool and My Independence (what little I had, lol)

I have been dreading today for a while now. It was the last day of the kids' preschool program at First Presbyterian. I was so sad to see the teachers say goodbye to my kiddos. They had tears in their eyes as they hugged H & E. They have been absolutely wonderful this school year and I hate to think that this is my last year with that preschool. For reasons unmentionable, we will be on the hunt for a new one over the summer. I totally hate that. Anyhoo-I will post some pics of the kiddos today or tomorrow.

Another bad thing about today is that it was my last time to chill with my best friend Tracy at the local coffee shop without kiddos. We like to hang out at Terra Nova on Tuesday or Thursday mornings after dropping the kids off. After that we usually run around and do all the errands that we can get done in those 3 short hours. Boy, I am going to miss those 3 blissful hours. Independence is something that you give up once you become a Mommy and so I have always tried to make the most of my free time.

On the pregnancy front, I went to another ultrasound on Monday and everything looked great. My hormone levels were also great so now the clinic is going to try and wean me from all the meds that I have to take. I can't wait to stop taking the intramuscular shots. Hopefully it will only take a few weeks.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Word of Warning

I am experiencing horrible problems with my laptop right now. If I don't post in the next week or so it is because my computer is being fixed.

On a sidenote-
We accomplished what we set out to do last week. If you know what I mean and are curious, shoot me an email and I will try to send you a sneak peek. ;)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Sooooo, do you guys want to know what we saw this morning???

I went in for the ultrasound this morning and was a bit nervous. My mind kept racing and all I could think was that there had to be a bunch of babies in me. The ultrasound tech immediately found a baby and I wondered if it was the only one. As soon as she started to move around we could see a second one. My tension rose sky high as I was afraid that she might find a 3rd, 4th or 5th baby, lol. Two was the magic number though and I am completely relieved. Two babies I can handle. Three, now that is a whole 'nother story. So congrats to my IPs, you guys are having double the trouble!! :)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Clayton and I are about to head out to Charlotte to catch a direct flight to Denver. We will be back next Wednesday. I hope that you all have a great weekend!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Eventful Weekend Ahead

I will go in on Friday at 10am for our first ultrasound. I will try to update the blog as soon as I get home to report what we saw. Everyone is excited to see how many babes hung around (I feel like it could be a litter, lol). My tummy is already sticking out and I am noticeably preggo. It's a bit ridiculous to look preggo at only 6 weeks. :P

Clayton and I will be flying out to Denver on Friday evening and then we will head up to Cheyenne, WY to see his family. His sister Stephanie will be getting pinned that day. She is getting her nursing degree and she already has an awesome job lined up. Congrats Steph!! We will be going out to dinner with Steph, Tom, Christie and possibly Jack that Saturday night to celebrate. I can't wait! We will be flying back on the 16th. In the meantime, my Mom and Dad will be watching the kiddos for us.

We have lots of other things on our agenda to do while we are there. The cool thing is that we will be staying at a bed and breakfast in Windsor, CO. It is a beautiful Victorian home. We chose to stay in the turret part of it (the squared off tower-looking thing) and we get the cute private balcony. Here's what it looks like: